An Additional Squirrel Solution

Small Home Gazette, Summer 2023

An Additional Squirrel Solution

squirrelIn the last issue of this newsletter (Spring 2023), you may have read “Squirrel Deterral,” a first-person account of how I stopped marauding squirrels from trashing my outdoor flower planters. In short, the solution was chicken wire, fitted around the plant stems and across the soil to the edges of planter. I am happy to say that as of this writing, the technique has kept the beasts at bay.

After the newsletter reached members, we received an email from long-time Bungalow Club member Beverly Conerton, who had an additional suggestion for squirrel deterral:

Rocks in pot.

Rocks placed on the soil’s surface keep squirrels from digging.

I read with interest the article in the spring issue of the Small Home Gazette about ways to deter squirrels from turning up newly planted plants and from biting off the heads of tulips. I have a couple of other suggestions that have worked for me. 

When I plant small plants in pots in the spring, I surround the plant with a layer of rocks (about two inches in diameter or larger).  I have lots of rocks that I have dug up over the years from my yard. It is a good use for the rocks, and it makes it harder for the squirrel to get to the soil and to turn over the plant. I have found that rocks are also a good mulch to help keep moisture in the soil. Since I began this practice, I haven’t had any problems with squirrels digging up those small plants.  Later, when the plants are large, I can take off the rocks, but I just usually leave them there.

Beverly also addressed my complaint about squirrels nipping off the blossoms of my tulips:

tulip bud.With respect to tulips, my solution is to cut some of the tulips when they are slightly colored (not fully ready to bloom) and bring them into the house to fully bloom. That way, I get to enjoy some of the tulips indoors while taking the chance that outside, the squirrels have other interests besides tulips.   

I always enjoy the articles in the newsletter!  

Beverly, thank you for the tips.