Articles of Interest to Homeowners
e have collected current and vintage articles that we think you’ll find interesting and useful.
From the present:
- All About Floors
- Bungalows of St. Petersburg, Florida, Photo Collection
- Flowers and Plants for a Bungalow Garden
- Ice Dam Information
- Many Styles of Tile, Minnesota Art Pottery Association, January 2019 (pdf)
- A Museum for Arts & Crafts Enthusiasts, Photo Collection
- Rebuilding a Stucco Window Box Photo Collection
- Roof Revelation: One Couple’s Experience
From the past:
- The Chase Plan Book. Photos of houses and accompanying planting plans. Copyright 1925, Chase Brothers Co., Rochester, N.Y. (pdf)
- The General Adaptability of Wicker Furniture, Keith’s Magazine, 1918 (pdf)
- Lamp Shade Making, Arts and Crafts for Home Decoration, Dennison Craft Course, 1929 (pdf)
- Lighting the Living Room, Keith’s Beautiful Homes Magazine, 1927 (pdf)
- The Porch—An American Institution, Keith’s Magazine, 1918 (pdf)
- The Noiseless Servant, American Homes and Gardens, May 1914 (pdf)
- To Lessen Kitchen Labor, House & Garden, September 1922 (pdf)
- Vegetable Gardening in Minneapolis (pdf)